Pizza Pie

Annelien Pienaar – Food Consultant
(Author of: Meat the Ultimate Guide / Vleis die Omvattende Gids, Boerekos with a Twist/ Boerekos met ‘n Twist)

Chef’s note: This recipe has a few applications other than a Pizza-pie. The dough can be used for regular open-faced pizza’s, roosterkoek, bread dough and vetkoek.

980 g (7 cups) cake flour, stoneground if possible
10 g (2 tsp) instant yeast
15 ml (1 tbsp) sugar or honey 
10 ml (2 tsp) salt
60 ml (4 tbsp) melted butter or olive oil
700 ml (2 ¾ k) water at room temperature


Option 1

Weigh out all ingredients except water and oil. Don’t open the yeast – place the packet into the flour mixture and seal tight. Keep in freezer until needed and just add water and oil.

Option 2

Mix all the dry ingredients together and add the liquids. Knead the dough until smooth. Rest for 10 minutes and knead the dough until smooth.

Place 1 tablespoon of oil into a plastic bag and rub the bag between the palm of your hands and insert the dough. Press flat and freeze. Let the dough defrost 3 hours at room temperature, no direct sunlight, or any heat.


Mix  all the dry ingredients together and add the liquids. Knead the dough  until smooth. Rest for 10 minutes and knead the dough until smooth.

Let  the dough rest for 30 minutes and you will notice that the dough has  doubled in volume. If the dough is a bit slow to rise you can leave it  for longer.


Yeast will be active for days on end. So, nothing can go wrong if you leave it out for longer than 1 hour. Always keep the dough covered to prevent it from drying.

Once  the dough  has doubled in volume, punch it down and divide dough into 6  equal  portions. Shape into rounds and rest for 10 minutes.


Impala Cheese GrillersCut into slices of your choice
Impala HamCut into cubes
1 cup Impala Gourmet Sweet & Sticky Marinade 
1 cup Tomato Sauce
Impala MozzarellaGrated
Pineapple slices
Pepper slices – Green, Red or Yellow
Tomato slices
Onion rings
Mushrooms – Sliced
Salt and Pepper to taste

Punch each round flat and then shape into a round or into a rectangular shape with your fingertips, no need for extra equipment like a rolling pin etc. The dough stretches well into 5mm thick.

Place the dough onto an Impala Braai Grid and start with the filling of the dough.

Prepare the bases you have shaped by spreading the Impala Gourmet Sweet & Sticky Marinade and some Tomato Sauce on top. Add filling as per individual choice and finish off with mozzarella, salt, and pepper to taste. Fold in half and pinch sides to secure the content.

Roast over medium hot fire and cook 7 min per side. Serve hot.